Here is the text of a chat with a young relative in Tehran. (English translation follows the farsi text which I copied and pasted here.) I told her to relieve stress she should go either to the provinces or outside Iran for a while this is how she answered:

aslan nemitoonam hatta 1 sanie az inja door sham,shahrestan miram,vali kam mimoonam.inja hadde aghal shaba mitoonam allah o akbar begam.nemidoonin sedaye allah o akbar shaba ke boland mishe che arameshi behem mide.

oza’ az oon chizi ke benazar miad kheili vahshatnak tare,dooste mano ke akkase,bekhatere akkasi too khiaboon baharestan gereftan,shabam negahesh dashtan,hanooz ke hanooze nemitoone harf bezane.khodesh mige taze man ke dokhtaram kamtar aziatam kardan,sedaye dad o faryade pesara’i ke gerefte boodan o dashtan shekanjashoon mikardan ta bande ma miamad 🙁

taze in joz’e khosh shansash bood….fekre in ke beram yek ja’i ke aramesh dashte basham,vaghti ke baghie daran shekanje mishan,kasa’i ke mesle khodaman,baram gheire ghabele man ja’i nemiram haminja mimoonam

{English translation: I cannot be away from here even one second, I go out of town but I cannot stay and I come right back. Here, at least, at night I can say Allah Akbar. you cannot fathom how the sound of the Allah Akbars calms and soothes.

The situation is much more horrific than what it seems. My friend, who is a photographer, was arrested for taking pictures at baharestan street. They kept her over night. She is still unable to talk. She says, at least I am a girl and they did not bother me as much as the poor guys: their screams of the boys they were torturing could be heard all the way in the woman’s ward. She is one of the lucky ones.

These are people like me, the thought of going somewhere else, when the rest are being tortured, is unacceptable and unimaginable for me. No I am not going anywhere, I am going to stay right hee}

This is why this uprising is here to stay!

Part II: This next one is the follow-up chat. (English translation appears first then the farsi text is copied and pasted.)

A relative in Iran send me this asking me to pass it on so people get to know what is happening to those girls who get arrested in Iran. below I have the English translation and followed with the Farsi text as it was sent to me.

Salam Setareh Jan,

Tonight I went to visit the friend I told you about. She described her ordeal as much as she could but she was so distressed that she could not really talk about what had happened. She badly wants to forget the nightmare. I thought maybe you would like to know her story, please excuse the ugly language that I will use here, but this is exactly what she recounted:

“I was standing in the square (baharestan) I was watching the crowd. All of a sudden a filthy bearded guy appeared in front of me and said, “what the hell are you doing here?”

I said, “Nothing.”

He said, “Let me see your purse.”

Inside my purse he found my camera.

He took me and forced me into a minibus.

They immediately tied something around my eyes and started hitting me with all their might. When the minibus started moving they took out their electric baton and would keep it on my body for 4-5 seconds till it made me have epileptic-like fits.

Then they took me to a villa. The tied our hands in the back and told us to kneel on the ground like in prayer (for 12 hours they kept us like that!)

The interrogator entered the room and said, “You take Mousavi’s side??? He, whose wife was a whore before the revolution, Yes?? Now I will show you.

During the interrogation (lets not get into how much they molested us) I was one of the lucky ones, when they interrogated the girl next to me the guy had his hand up her underwear.

A pretty girl who was there was taken to another room the minute they saw her!

They also tortured us mentally. They had put a chair there and had connected it to electricity. They asked, “Who paid you to come out and demonstrate?” There was a noise from the electrically charged chair, “tell me who your bosses are or I will have you for the night. In the end they made us sign a paper blind folded. It was 4:30 a.m. when they took, us to a square in the south of Tehran and let us go and asked us to open our blind folds in five minutes.

Farsi text:

salam setare joon

emshab raftam pishe hamoon doostam

ta ja’i ke mitoonest vasam ta’rif kard,vali khob halesh bad mishod nemitoonest kamel ghaziaro bege,chon shadidan mikhad faramoosh kone

goftam shayad doost dashte bashin bedoonin,bebakhshid ke az kalamte kheili zesht estefade kardam,vali in daghighan chizie ke doostam ta’rif kard:

Too meidoon vaysade boodam dashtam jam’iato negah mikardam yedafe ye rishooye kasif jelom zaher shod goft inja che ghalati mikoni?

goftam hichi

goft kifeto bebinam

toosh doorbinamo peida kard goft bayad biai

bezoor mano bord too minibus

belafasele cheshmamo bastan va ba tamame ghodrat shoroo be zadan kardan.vaghti minibus rah oftad batoom barghiashoono avordan,hodoode 4 ,5 sanie negah midashtan roo badanam,dige halate sar’ behem dast dade bood.

maro bordan too ye khooneye vila’i.dastamoono az posht bastan behemoon goftan be halate sajde roo zamin beshinin(12 sa’at injoori negahemoon dashtan!)

bazjoo oomad too otagh.goft:tarafe moosavio migirin????ke zanesh ghable enghelab jende boode???are????hala halitoon mikonam

mogheye bazjooi cheghadr dastmalimoon kardan bemanad.taze man shans ovordam,dokhtar baghilie mano ke bazjooi mikard,dastesham karde bood too shorte dokhtare!

ye dokhatare khoshgelam bood ke hamoon aval bordanesh!

shekanje ravaniam sandali oonja gozashte boodan ke behesh bargh vasl karde boodan.migoftam migi az ki pool gerefti oomadi tazahorat ya…..(sedaye bargh miamad)

ya migi ra’eset kie ya emshab mikhai ba man bashi???!!!!!

akharesh cheshm baste majbooremoon kardan ye varaghio emza konim,sa’at 4.30 e sobam bordan too ye meidoon jonoobe shahr piadamoon kardan goftan 5 min dige cheshmatoono baz konin!!!

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