Urgent Action Needed — What am I supposed to do?

Dear Friends,

We need to start a series of campaign and marketing strategies to, first keep this protests and demonstrations alive as well as create awareness.

1. We need start writing letters or do a phone call to foreign embassies who deal with Iran and leting them know not to recognize Ahmadinejad’s government and condemn the recent action by the regime agains peacfull demonstrators.

2. Please call the Russian embassy and condemn their recognition of Ahmadinejad’s governmnet and shaking hand by their president Dmitry Medvedev

3. Call the Chinese Embassy and let them know your frustration that their President Hu Jintao remarks showing support for Ahmadinejad and his illigitamte governmnet

4. I believe we need to let Iranians who live abroad know by traveling back and forth to Iran they are supporting the government. By carrying that passport is a sign of recognition of IRI.I am suggesting a campaign of burning the Islamic Fascist Republic of Iran passports in front of the Iranian embassies around the world.

How can you help?

Please call or send letter it doesn’t realy take that long maybe 10 minutes.

Please post it on your page or your blogs if you wish

Please invite others to do the same thing

Thank you so much

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