Mr Ahmadi Nejad; you had 63% present of the vote; by a free election you may have more votes.

Dear Secretary General of United Nation and Dear President Obama and the people of free world.

What the Iranian want is just a free election without any force and dictation. The United Nations can support this will and this desire. And stopped the hate and killing in Iran. The Shah of Iran said that the USA and other countries helped the others to take the power from him and through advertisement made him bad and the opposite good, and Mr. Bazargan also told in Iranian TV that they have spoken with the leaders of the free world and they agree to move the Shah and give the power to them. I read that in the newspapers and see in TV.

Jimmy Cater was agreed to replace the Shah as they wanted the green belt against the communist. They helped also Taliban and Alghaede to fight against the former Soviet Union and destroyed our land Afghanistan. They gave weapons to brothers to kill each other because they think a little bit different from each other. And left a burned land for us. Later he Jimmy Cater helped Sadam the creasy man to attack Iran and supported him totally to kill the Kurds, Iranian and the Shia people. USA moved the Mosadegh and removed Reza Shah and the Shah. They interfere in the Iranian life and millions of Iranian were killed because of their interfere.

As now the people say, they want again to remove the regime; but they say they do not want to interfere this time. Why they do not help Iranian to have their own government and help them to have a real free election in them everybody can speak and advertise what ever he/she think? That is very simple just help the Iran to have a free election.

If the Ahmadi nejad won; as he has the most votes so he will be the president again. If other people won they or one of them will be the president.

But now the world is quit and let the people in Iran be killed again. They want just a free election and the world should support them. Why they do not do this; and prepare a free election in Iran; I am sure that Ahmadi nejad will win with 63 present again as the first time he won and some people said ; it was a right vote and they cheated , so why you do not repeat the vote and election. So the people will be quite.

I am sure that the Khomeini will win also if we can have a free election. The people; the majority of people want Islam and these people. Mr. Khamenei was elected two times as a president and that means the people want him. Any way a free election will give a good answer to these problems and our people do not nee to be killed on the streets of Iran. A free election under the United Nation supervision will solve the problem.

Why Mr. Ahmadi Nejad with 63% does not want to have a new election. I am sure that next time he will have more that 63%. The people want him and they want the Khamenei. Do you remember that Khomeini did a referendum and that time 99% gave him their vote? Now Mr. Khamenei if you do the same thing you will get the vote also.

I ask here the whole world; please do no let our young people kill each other. Please, let them to have a free election. And like other country who ever get more votes can govern the Iran. To destroy the Iran is not a good way and to kill Iranian youths as Basigi or students or police man and to kill Iranian girls is not the way also. The Iranian love Ahmadi nejad and Khamenei and they are the beloved leader and president of Iran.

O people of the world please support this fact. The business people want to destroy Iran again and destroy Iran again. What Iranian wants a free election that is not a big Want?

Please help the Iranians to have a free election. And stop this killing and destroy of Iran.

A friend of mine told me yesterday that Mr. Ahmadi nejad has so many supporters in the villages and in the small cities and all of will elect him again and again. Many people even believe that he has connected with the 12 imam and will elect him, too. And the people have cash money from him. The money form oil which he gave cash to the people so it is possible that he will have even more votes as the second time.

The Iranian wants freedom, free election, work, university and a place to live and have a small family. That is the minimum of life that they want. Please, solve the problems in a friendly way. For an election we do not to kill and arrest people if the people do not believe the election we can repeat it. Or examine it through a neutral assembly. Like United Nations. We should not kill our sisters and brothers because they think differently.

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