TEHRAN (ISNA)-Iran’s first cloned calf “Boniana” was born in Isfahan’s Royan research center Saturday afternoon.
The manager of Royan, Mohammad Hossein Nasr Isfahani told ISNA the birth of the calf came up as a result of researches on IVF, cloning and genetic engineering which began 6 years ago, the same process that led to birth of “Hana” the first Iranian cloned goat in mid-April
This is the first successful birth of a cloned calf in the Middle East putting Iran in the list of countries able to produce farm animals.
Boniana was born after production of 2000 cloned embryos and transfer of 300 embryos to 100 cows in 2 years.
The calf was born after a gestation of 270 days by caesarean.
Royan is hopeful to announce the birth of second cloned calf of Iran in a few days.
Royan has already cloned a lamb, called Royana, as its first successful cloning project.