13 June 2009 Live Images — The youth are paying for their fathers’ sins. 1979 brought them Islam, and now the new generation has to fight to kill Islam, the muslim curse, which came to power in 1979 under their parents by the help of western media who sabotage 2500 years of monarchy. They had taken their freedom for granted and put their king on Exile, God Bless The new generation. God Bless the youth who offer their lives for freedom. It is so sad that they must die for Iran to be FREE. Never live in fear. Never follow unjust laws written by man. If you live in any nation, free or opressed, learn from this to never take your freedom for granted. Your parents died so you could be free. Never live in fear from any government, because government’s only legitimate power is derived from the will of the people governed.
If you are parents, learn that your sin of accepting injustice will be a burden for your children to carry. What you do and teach them? It will be the blood they carry. Hate and wars exist only because of your teachings. the Dream they call SEREEN.
It has been thought for many years that the Milky Way is an overly large spiral galaxy. Using Cephied distances to 17 spiral galaxies we calculate the true linear diameters of those galaxies. These diameters are then compared to that of the Milky Way which is found to be, at most, an averagely sized spiral galaxy as you can see carved in the center.
Scientists are at a complete loss to explain why the amount and distribution of this halo of dark matter should exactly counterbalance the expected fall – off in rotational velocity from the center of each galaxy , this is known as the halo conspiracy and it seems to be completley insoluble in the absence of some form of intelligent design. not untill year 80 and 90 we have learn about Dark matter and 17 spiral galaxies and this artifact is ancient and has carving to prove of this tale to be facts that Western Scientists refuse to educate the public and Media hide the truth by lies and cover ups.
http://sereen.com/love.htm more on the artifact