For many years, I’ve been lurking around, enjoying its philosophy of openness and especially the contributions of my compatriots and others. Perhaps, out of selfishness, I have never bothered to blog or contribute in any way. There have always been people smarter and more enlightened than me from whom I could learn. Thankfully, there have also been plenty of idiots who would keep me entertained for hours on end. I had the best of both worlds.
*Darius Kadivar*, if you read this blog, this video is especially for you as I’ve enjoyed many of your movie references before:
Is it a coincidence that we keep hearing about Sahels but never about Navas?
Thank you for your disingenuous concern, but the Baha’i youth are doing wonderfully around the globe!
And now for something completely different:
I would like to turn this blog into an unofficial survey. In which, we first invite all who have anything to say about the Baha’is and the Baha’i Faith (be it negative, positive, false, true, hateful, or loving), to freely express it here.
Do you have a problem with the equality of men and women? Have an issue with educating the children? Don’t like the concept of independent search for truth? Disagree with the notion of spiritual solutions to economic problems? Are you bothered that the Baha’is do not participate in partisan politics? – The fact that we were the only group who didn’t sign up for the one Pahlavi “Rastaakhiz” party, while millions of others did? (ask your friends and family if they did) – That we did not vote in the 1979 “referendum” while millions of others did? (ask your friends and family if they did) (Consequently, we did not get a stamp on our birth certificates which, later on, deprived us from receiving food rationings and coupons.) – Or perhaps, you can’t understand how come not even one Baha’i was perceptive enough to see the features of Imam Khomeini on the moon that at least half the population of the country saw. (ask your friends and family if they did)
Whatever your issues are, let’s talk.
Chances are that the protagonists and antagonists, in this conversation, will not change each other’s minds. And that’s not the idea either. The idea is to provide a somewhat free and respectful forum for the exchange of opinions. The unofficial survey would entail the effect of these interactions on the collective consciousness of the rest of the hundreds of thousands of intelligent readers of
Let’s find out whose philosophy will prevail – Those who just curse the darkness or those who light candles.
P.S.: Since this is not about the person of me, I may not participate very often. Unless, of course, my “masters” the Israelis (or the British, or the Russians – hmmm, I forget whose agenda I’m supposed to be advancing this decade!) make it worth my while.
Then again, I just found out that Baha’i faith was supposedly created by Iranian Shiites to destroy Arab Sunnis! As a side show, and a humorous break, check out the lunatic ranting of this precious gem to humanity in Egypt: (video w/subtitles – 2min) (transcript)
Boy! Can a brother get a break?
! چوب هر دو سر طلا