What Mort Klein would have told the president

Zionist Organization of America president Morton Klein has been invited to meetings at the White House in the past, but he was left off the guest list last Monday when 16 Jewish leaders were invited to meet with President Obama. So Klein issued a lengthy press release outlining what he would have told the president if he was there.

“The ZOA was deeply disappointed and troubled that the Jewish groups did not make clear that the issue of settlements has nothing to do with attaining a real peace agreement and both distracts and  camouflages the real basis for why the peace process has failed,” said Klein in the release. “Whether 300,000 or 325,000 Jews live on only 3 percent of the land in Judea and Samaria has virtually nothing to do with preventing peace.  Preventing peace, it should have been made clear to Obama, is the Palestinian Authority’s refusal  to arrest  anti-Israel terrorists; refusal to outlaw terrorist groups; end incitement to hatred and violence against Jews and Israel in their schools, media, and speeches; their continuing to glorify terrorists by naming schools, streets, sports teams, and computer centers after them; disseminating heroic posters of suicide bombers throughout Arab towns; excluding Israel from their maps; Abbas’ Fatah party’s new emblem showing all of Israel covered with an Arab headdress, next to a large rifle, with Arafat in the middle; and not accepting and teaching the legitimacy of Israel as a Jewish stat… >>>

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