
Ali and the Quartet

Now, however, Khamenei himself is regarded as a factional leader. Although the current protest movement was triggered by opposition to Ahmadinejad, the president has almost

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A year ago to the day

How strange it is to think about the hospitals now full beyond bursting with baton brutalized protestors and Basijis entering hospitals and hauling the injured

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The Republic is Dead

“It appears that just as the Israelis of today have become what their oppressors of yesteryears were, so have the Iranian revolutionaries who just a

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Flight down in Mashad

A passenger plane has burst into flames on landing at an airport in northern Iran, killing 17 passengers, state media has reported. The burning plane

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Flying Witness

To the marchers of July 25 the world is the largest village I know My only visitor is the one to take me to those

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