A Turning Point in Iran: The Eclipse of the President

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is now President of the Islamic Republic of Iran in little more than name. Last night’s dramatic turn of events, with the First Vice President Esfandiar Rahim-Mashai “resigning”, was the most public of humiliations for Ahmadinejad, even if many in the non-Iranian media were slow to figure out what had occurred.

We were saying as early as 16 June that the President was a relatively weak actor in the post-election play. His position was almost completely dependent on the Supreme Leader’s decision to declare his electoral “victory”, and after his far too-bold declaration of triumph over the “dust” of his opposition on 13-14 June, he quickly disappeared from the central stage. There were halting attempts to regain some authority, such as a national television address and an appearance in Mashaad, but these turned from serious political drama into farce. (In retrospect, the moment when a Giant Mysterious Bug defeated Ahmadinejad during his TV speech may be the symbolic moment when the President was put in his place, although the YouTube video of Mahmoud and his Multi-Coloured Charts should not be missed, either.)


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