Bigotry and Racism at

With the events of past few weeks, starting with days leading up to Iran’s rigged presidential election, and the aftermath, Iran and Iranians have come to a crossroad in history which could very well define future of our country. People from every walk of life have been united under one common goal and in the face of one common enemy, goal and hope of a free and democratic Iran, with equal rights for all. Place where women are treated as equal to men. Place where there are no dividing lines between the ethnic groups, language, religion and social status. A paradise where there is harmony, peace and prosperity for everyone regardless of religion, language, ethnic background and gender.

At the same time, these historic events in Iran has brought out of closet some of man’s ugliest characters. A social disease, which under the name of nationalism and at the excuse of actions of few extremist groups has diverted the attention and energy from solidarity to hate and racism.

Racism may be defined as the hatred of one person by another — or the belief that another person is less than human — because of skin color, language, customs, and place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes.

Unfortunately in recent weeks, many blogs and articles have appeared in with nauseating and sickening overtone of racism, by characters such as Mr.[Freedom Fighter of Iran] and most recently Mr. [Iraniandudeee]. Authors of these blogs and articles try so miserably to disguise their hatred for various ethnicity in Iran under the name of nationalism or patriotism. Shameless blogs with titles such as [Why so many Turks are in Iran shall we call OUR country..]…

In which the author propagates racial purity from all ethic groups, Azari’s, Kurd, Lurs and Arabic speaking Iranians. In an earlier article, gentleman explicitly writes about how Iranians NEED racial purity, which is nothing short of arrogance, ignorance and outright unlawful and genocidal.…

In a different blog, Mr. Iraniandudeee proclaims that Iranians NEED and WANT a pure nationalistic government where all the ethic, religion and linguistic groups are ASSIMILATED into pure Persians only.…

More disturbing than the despicable racial overtone in these articles, is the total lack of any historical validity to some of the claims and total ignorance of a society whose forefathers have given the humanity its very first Human Rights Charter.

Regretfully all these blogs are being written at a time when Iranians are paying with their lives for democracy, freedom and equality. At a time when the entire world has risen up for the unity and equality of mankind.

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