Why Should WE Care?

Over the years, many times when I have tried to express my concerns about the living situation in Iran, I have often been confronted with the question “Why Should WE Care?”


The time has arrived for us not only to speak of our personal experiences that have shaped our lives around this matter, but also provide the list of reasons why the world should care about Iran and the atrocities that the people of that nation have faced for 30 long years.

Please take the time to read the below reasons I have listed (in no particular order of importance), and make sure to share it with your world. Together we can make a difference.

Because we have never cared before and we believe that change is the answer to the world’s problems.

Because the National Security of the United States and the world is at stake. The Islamic Republic of Iran is the founder of terrorist organizations like Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. and continues to be their number one source of funds and supplies. By speaking out against this terrorist regime and showing support for those who are fighting to overthrow them from power, you are doing your patriotic duties of contributing to the security of your own nation. Without the support of the Islamic Republic of Iran, these terrorist organizations will lose power.

Because we believe in true democracy and stand by freedom of thought, speech, and expression.

Because those domestic issues that you are concerned about such as unemployment, federal taxes, oil/gas prices, Homeland Security, Energy & Environment, Economy, Technology, and Immigration are ALL in fact global issues. You cannot resolve them domestically if you do not look at the global cause for the problems at hand.

Because we DO NOT support censorship regardless of the thought or the view.

Because we all believe in freedom of religion.
I am Muslim. I am Christian. I am Jew. I am Zoroastrian. I am Baha’i. I am Hindu. I am Budhhist. I am Sikh. I am Jain. I am Shinto. I am Confucius. I am Tao. I am Agnostic. I am an Atheist. I am human. My religion is personal and to be respected and no one has the right to decide my faith for me.

Because disagreements or differences in opinion should not result in bloodshed.

Because it was in Persia where the world’s first Charter of Human Rights came from. This predated the Magna Carta by more than one millennium (500 BC)…The Cyrus Cylinder….

The Cyrus Cylinder was the 1st chapter of Human rights:
“….I announce that I’ll respect the traditions and religions of the nations and I’ll never let anybody insult or oppress them…I’ll never let anyone take possession of movable and landed properties of the others by force. I prevent unpaid, forced labor, everyone is free to choose a religion, to live in all regions and take up a job provided that they never violate other’s rights. I prevent slavery, my governors are obligated to prohibit exchanging men and women as slaves. I implore to Ahuramazda (God of Zoroastrians) to make me succeed in fulfilling my obligations to the nation….”

It’s now OUR turn to step up and support those children of Cyrus the Great who brought this kind of respect and dignity to our every day lives and helped civilize our own societies. We will not allow these Iranians be demolished under the tyranny that keeps those same human rights, developed and gifted to the rest of the free world by their ancestors, away from them.

Because the people IN Iran have started this movement themselves knowing very well the consequences of their actions, and we cannot let their voices be silenced. We are the echo of their voices, and we need to continue our role in all of this until the entire world shakes from ALL of our echoes.

Because no news media, journalists, photographer, or reporter is allowed inside of Iran or if they are there, they have been detained and are being tortured in prisons for showing the world the real truth. Because there are no reports, WE have to be the reporters. We cannot let this great effort to achieve freedom be left unheard or we will be letting the tyrants have their way.

Because we are against child executions.

Because we believe a woman’s life is equal to that of a man’s.

Because we believe in the separation of church and state.

Because we honor the brave men and women who have been martyred not just in Iran but all of the soldiers and people around the world who have died for the cause of freedom, and we will NOT let their efforts die in vain.

Because we have the ability and the tools to communicate and influence and educate others who may not know about this tragedy. The more we unite in solidarity with the world, the less chance evil, which is the minority, has to succeed with their ruthless plans.

Because we WILL NOT allow those tyrants of the Islamic Republic of Iran ruin the true essence of Islam, and the reputation of people who hold the Muslim faith who are in fact peaceful and freedom loving individuals.

Because if we have never cared before, this is a great starting point. With Iran’s movement we can make an example and create a pattern to how freedom can be achieved for other people who live under oppressive governments during this era. We can give them hope and show them that they do not HAVE to be oppressed if they only believe.

Because we do not tolerate injustice. When we see it, we react. When we hear the people who live under injustice scream out for support, WE support.

Because this is not a political matter. This is a human matter and we do not sit around waiting for our politicians to get involved and tell us what we can do. We get involved and make an example for our governments to follow and we tell them what they can do.

Because we do not want orphans to be kidnapped and brain washed and grow up under the hands of evil to join militias that turn on other human beings and kill them in cold blood anywhere in the world.

Because we know the potential of the great people of Iran and we know that strong relations with such a nation will work in the favor of the United States, and other countries around the world.

Because we NOW know who the true axis of evil is and who they are terrorizing and we have the opportunity to show our nations that we do NOT tolerate, support, or accept any government who terrorizes it’s own citizens and the rest of the world. Governments such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, with all the pain they have inflicted, have no place on this beautiful earth that we live on.

Because we do not tolerate the injustice brought upon the hard working reporters around the world, who work so hard and risk their lives to educate us about social issues taking place across the globe, and allow them to be labeled as spies and harassed, tortured, and often killed for trying to create awareness.

Because we do not tolerate hatred and any government who teaches little children that we need to burn other nations flags and chant “Death to …..” slogans. Such regimes have no place in the free world that we cherish and want to protect.

Because we have ran out of excuses not to help. We have seen too many images of bloodshed on the streets of Iran for no good reason and we are not going to tolerate more of the same.

Because we are mothers and fathers with children that we have brought into this world and we are responsible for their well being and are willing to do ANYTHING in our powers to create a safe and peaceful world that is full of love for them to grow and live in. We understand that we are all connected and all children deserve the same.

Because no mother or father should raise their children and sacrifice everything for them just to watch them die in cold blood by freedom hating tyrants.

Because we have been polluted with “distractions” by our pop culture that has kept us thinking that the latest Heidi and Spencer drama is more important than real world events and in essence have numbed our brains with mindless TV shows and movies which take away the best years of our lives. The time in which we have the ability to think most clearly and react to our world’s problems. This is an insult to our intelligence and if we have stood for it until now, we sure as hell not going to anymore. We are sophisticated, intelligent, free thinkers and we will use some of that energy towards making the world we live in a better place.

Because we are in essence made from love and we know that if we are all connected, love will always prevail.

Because we believe that military action which includes war is NOT the answer and unity across the globe is the way to overthrow even the most powerful regimes. Iran will be made an example of in history and we will make sure of it. We have watched thousands and thousands of soldiers and millions of civilians lose their lives during any war in our lifetime alone, and we do not believe that anything positive can be achieved with war. We are now confident enough to know that the human power of thought, speech, and expression is enough to achieve anything.

Because time and time again we have thought about the atrocities that occurred during the Holocaust, the genocides in Rwanda, Darfur, Cambodia, Bosnia, and many other horrific events that took place in the last century alone, and while being overwhelmed with feelings of sadness and helplessness, we have wondered what if enough people knew about it? What if we had the technological tools to show support or share the truth? Could we have written a different kind of history? Now that we have the tools we are out of excuses. Let’s give it a shot and see what we can achieve.

And last but definitely not least, because we are ALL Human. I will repost the poem by the great Persian poet Sa’di (He lived 1184 to 1283) as many times as it takes until EVERYONE has it as the first thought that comes to mind anytime human beings are reaching out for help.

“Human beings are members of a whole, in creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, the name of human you cannot retain.”

And one of these reasons alone should be reason enough to support this cause.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.


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