Germany blasts opposition trials in Iran

BERLIN, Aug. 3 (UPI) — Germany has blasted the trial against 100 opposition members in Iran and has called on Tehran to release the prisoners. “The news about the beginning of the trial of members of the opposition in Iran deeply concerns us,” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in a statement Sunday.He added that Berlin had reasons to doubt that said trials are indeed transparent and fair.

“The Iranian government is called on to release the political prisoners and respect international standards, to which it has agreed, for the protection of civil and political rights of its citizens,” Steinmeier said.

A trial for more than 100 people arrested for their involvement in post-election demonstrations in Iran started this weekend. Tehran has charged them with rioting, vandalism, compromising national security and conspiracy against the government, according to Iran’s state media. The defendants include prominent opposition figures, including former Vice President Mohammad Ali Abtahi, as well as former ministers and a former government spokesman.

The Iranian opposition has blasted what it calls a “show trial,” and Steinmeier is one of the first European leaders to speak out against the proceedings.Iran still needs to come to terms with its disputed June … >>>

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