The Fragrance Of Beauty – Look In The Mirror, You’ll See It

Our hearts, yet not quite developed, but still overflowing
The trickster that we call life, waiting, impatiently at the door

The hue of ever present opinions, though welcome, yet overwhelming
There’s only one opinion that counts, you know it, and I do, and nobody else really matters

The gem across your brow, ever so lavishly displayed
Matters not my sweet, yet the fragrance of the ethereal image, ever so captivating

Come my darling, drink from this essence that I’m giving you
Not my essence, but God’s, taste it, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

My memory, and yours, may be intertwined in lives past
Yet my sweet, we are living in the present, cherish it, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

It nourishes your body, and rejuvenates your soul, no doubt in that
Come my sweet, get close, take a sip, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

No bitterness in this, never a regret, you have to trust me
You are close, yet not close enough, come my sweet, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

Your cup may be full, yet my darling, what you have there is hemlock
Drink not from that cup, throw it away, yes my sweet, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

Your womanhood, all but evident, for all there to see
The sweetness of your breath, oozing through, ever so gently, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

Eight hundred years, since Khayyam, graced the face of this earth
Come my sweet, we as lovers, yet the Robaiyyat as our Bible, come, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

The very essence of passion, ever so consuming, I do know that
Yet my darling, confuse not passion with madness, embrace my words, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

If Jesus were alive today, he would bless these very words
Have no doubt, my sweet, these words are indeed life, come, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

Be silent, no words needed, absolutely none
Our silence, your spirit, my passion, totally sufficient, come, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you

A Poet’s work, is never done, yet I am expecting your embrace
Make it part of yourself, eat it, yes, all through and through, let’s be one, and drink from this essence that I’m giving you


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