Ahmadinejad; Duly Elected President of Iran

The Chatham House report,
though a preliminary one, clearly set out to cast doubt on the Iranian
election without offering anything other than a superficial analysis
which Dr Afrasiabi has called a “a poor substitute for any hard
evidence.” The distribution of votes across the provinces and districts
conforms to general trends and comports to a natural outcome.
Statistical studies have proved inexact and inconclusive as far as
detecting any real evidence of fraudulent manipulation. If cheating did
occur, it must have been localized and generally restricted to remote
parts of the country where the population levels would not have been
significant enough to sway the final outcome –We thus conclude that the
10th Iranian presidential election is a genuine reflection of the will
of the Iranian people and that Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the duly
elected president of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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