The Iranian will

      All those people saying “we need evolution, not a revolution” I say get your head out of your ass! Your mind has been truly polluted by the weak simple-minded liberal mentality of the west, hasn’t it? Get your facts straight. The people are shouting “we will kill those who have killed our brothers”, Millions on the streets, riots and protests going on for two months almost, and you’re still saying “This isn’t a revolution, but an evolution in the government”? Again, you’ve got to remember that the 1979 revolution took 9 months, and it started exactly like this, small at first, then it exploded. Fact is that there well no be “evolution” simply because you can never progress with this corrupted, anti-Iranian regime and their primitive minded islamist goons, and the Iranian people realize this and know this better than anyone else.

   Just like mr. Faramarz said in his blog, you have to fight this regime with force and the Iranian will and determination is more than enough to take down this pathetic regime when the people rise up, house by house, family by family. Trying to reason with these savage mullahs is like trying to befriend a rabid dog. Even if you kiss the ass of that disease infested dog, feed it, and take care of it, it will still attack you and try to kill you.

    Further more, For those that are not willing to die or kill for their ideology and freedom, then they need to grow some backbone and stand up, cause in the end, the only way to deal with these leaches feeding on Iran is to squish it….  We appreciate all the Iranians (no matter their political background) for their support, but please do not try to tell us that this is all a mere change in government and not a revolution. Noone would take a bullet for just a mere small change in government. This is a revolution, and you better get used to it.

 I would rather have a revolution now, even if that means a war that will take many Iranians lives (maybe even mine) then to wait 30 years later where we have 18 millions Iranians forced to live abroad and where Iran turns into a country like afghanistan.

 Long live all our Iranian/Persian brothers and sisters fighting for a better and free Iran.


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