Perplexed; Confused; In Need of Help (KOMAK!!!)

Perplexed; Confused; In Need of Help

With all due respect to the individuals that reference themselves “Iranian – (Whatever)”, I pose this question and open for discussion a matter that, in my opinion, we all need a little more help in understanding. First off, leave the standard claims of racism and discrimination of minorities aside. Because, I am sure if we all tried really hard we could all call ourselves “Iranian – (Whatever)”, but why? I am Iranian (DASH NOTHING); I am also Persian (DASH NOTHING). One is my nationality and one is my ethnicity; it is what it is dadash. Why are we hyphenating ourselves into further and further segregation and isolation; with direct correlation to the current world’s plight of intolerance against all man; no matter race, creed, color or where yo daddy and mommy did the nasty?

P.S. See Also, P.S.S.


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