I LOVE AKHOONDS! I think everyone should own one.

I was talking my big mouth as usual, advocating exterminating every single  Akhoond, Mullah, Mojtahed, Hojjatol Islam and Ayatollan in Iran when someone near by said “stop my brother from another mother, why kill them, lets own them, sort of like Dogs and Cats”.

I don’t consider these creatures human so I am not advocating slavary….so stop with that thought righ there! 

For the dog and cat lovers among us I am sorry to sort of equate these creatures to dogs, but in the U.S. dogs and cats are the most “owned” animals.

Then maybe we will start seeing big chain stores like “Akhood Smart”, or “Akhoond Co” like PetCo or PetSmart……with all sort of food and toys for these bastards……..nah!!!!  I still say lets exterminate these bastards.  We shouldn’t spend any $ on these creatures.

What would you do with one of these bastards if you had the opportunity to own one? 

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