I could be wrong, but I believe that a great majority of Iranian.com readers and posters are outside Iran; U.S., Europe and elsewhere. If there was no censorship in Iran, the situation would be very different.
Reading blogs on here has introduce me to the concept of “Patriotism Iranian Style”. Its seems individuals that live the farthest from Iran are the most fervent “lovers” of her. I read blogs that advocate bombing of Iran and these so called patriots come out like “moor o malakh” to defend Iran.
In my view, a true patriot is someone who sacrifices his or her personal life for the betterment or advance of their country. Actually dictionary’s definition of a patriot is someone who loves, supports, and is prepared to serve their country.
How could you live outside Iran, study outside Iran, work outside Iran, pay taxes outside Iran, contribute to economy of a country other than Iran, contribute to science, engineering or medicine of a country other than Iran, then go and spend 2 weeks in Iran to either visit family or collect accummulated rent money and come back and THEN, act as a patriot and lover of Iran.
Killing innocent people, Iranian or otherwise, anywhere, anytime for any reason is wrong. Not many people disagree with this.
Its possible that to get rid of the current IslamoMafia regime of IRI bombing maybe necessary. I don’t know how, where, by who etc. Other than bombing the Parliment while in session and or bombing Tehran University during a Friday prayer while Khamenie is speaking and GohNejad is attending, bombing other parts of Iran is not a good idea.
The bombing however MUST be done by patriotic Iranians and not a foreign power. Remember, Akhoonds will not let go of power without extreme force.