
This poor guy can’t even pronounce the word properly let alone being a spy for the Brits or Americans.  This is pathetic and really shameful.  I wonder if anyone with a sane mind would believe such a feeble and dismal show.  We really should think of something to do, but what? US government or UN or EU none of them care enough to face this callous government.  I wonder whatever happened to the Human Rights.  If memories serve correctly during the Shah regime everything was about the Human Rights issue in Iran and now !!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess the only thing we can do is to rise on the day that “He the Monkey” arrives in New York and welocme him or rather Un-Welcome him in every cities in US.

It really broke my heart just watching this video, he is so young and so innocent, and it is clearly obvious that he was taught and forced to repeat those obvious lies. 

Shame on You ALI KHAMENEI……………

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