Writing love: an invitation to write

Dear iranian.com writers:

I would like to thank you all very much for your kind and excellent participation in the two group writing projects we had, Iran, a reflection, and Iran, a hope. You guys are fantastic! In all we had close to 60 blogs and art pieces contributed toward the calls.

I would like to invite you to another writing project. This one in all likelihood is a call for a love story, though it doesn’t have to be. The rules for participating in this call are rather simple. All stories or pieces should start with the following opening sentence of Iraj Pezeshkzad’s beloved novel, My Uncle Napoleon (borrowed here from Dick Davis’ impeccable translation of the book, pp 23-24, Mage Publishers, 1996):

One hot summer day, to be precise, one Friday the thirteenth of August, at about a quarter to three in the afternoon, I fell in love.

If you decide to write in Farsi, please use the title “نوشتارعشق” and use the following sentence as your opening:

 من يك روز گرم تابستان، دقيقاً يك سيزده مرداد، حدود ساعت سه و ربع كم بعدازظهر عاشق شدم.

Your submitted pieces should be no longer than 750 words (if you can help it), and at the top of the blog you should mention this piece is “a part of the Writing Love Series,” linking this blog.

You can write anything you want and submit prose, poetry, or any other kind of art you wish to share. A reminder that this is not a writing contest and your writing will not be evaluated, but celebrated for its spirit. 

That’s all. I hope to be able to see your pieces soon.

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