Palestinian news agency ‘confirms’ organ snatching story

The Bethlehem-based Palestinian news agency Ma’an published a report over the weekend which it said confirmed allegations that IDF soldiers kill Palestinian civilians to harvest their organs.

The charges appeared last week in Sweden’s left-leaning Aftonbladet newspaper and have since been widely quoted in Palestinian and Arab newspapers.

“They plunder the organs of our sons,” read the headline in Sweden’s largest daily newspaper, which devoted a double spread in its cultural section to the article.

Ma’an, which is funded by Denmark and the Netherlands, headlined its feature: “Disappearances, Holding Bodies, Organ Theft – Intertwined Crimes.”

The feature is based on an interview with Abdel Nasser Farwaneh, a former security prisoner in Israel who is described by the news agency as an “expert on prisoners’ affairs.”

Farwaneh is quoted as saying that the “findings” published by the Swedish newspaper are true.


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