Bashing Orgy !

In order to provide an outlet for haters of all kind, shapes and sizes,  Jew Haters, Muslim Haters, Gay Haters, Christian Haters, Black Haters, White Haters, Man Haters, Woman Haters, Fascists, Nazi’s, IR lovers and everyone in between to be able to spread some brotherly love amongst each other I am dedicating this blog to you.

You will not be asked to provide any FACT nor any TRUTH. Smear anyone you dislike, bash anything you hate, pat each other on the back[above the waist line] for being so patriotic[WINK]. Repeat your ARAJEEFS to your hearts content. Use all kind of profanity you like, since that is all you know. Distort all the facts to fit your agenda. LIE…. this is a must LYING must be present. Name calling is a prerequisite, so is foaming in the mouth. You must FOAM in the mouth to prove you agenda. You are free to use as many aliases as you want, no questions asked.

No one will question your logic, or lack of it. No one will ask for any proof, nor shred of decency in you. So guys and gals of HATERS Inc. , let your hair down, slip into something comfortable behind your keyboard, open bottle of your favorite booze, or smoke[take] your favorite illicit drug and GO NUTS.

ONLY TWO CONDITIONS: 1) Leave the other blogs alone so decent people may debate on issues in logical and civilized manner. 2) Open the windows for the fumes to clear out.


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