I am a proud Iranian Muslim

I am a proud Iranian Muslim.

I love my religion and devote my life to it. I am filled with pride.

I go to mosque and preach my religion to others in a very subtle and non offensive way. I stop if they ask. Nobody has asked.

I have friends of all religions at my neighborhood, at my work and from my travels.

I have respect and mutual respect for all my friends regardless of religion.

I am happy with my religion and I am a proud Iranian too.

Even so I have not said anything offensive to anybody for any reason. I do not offend anybody else’s religion or anything. I am constantly under attack and harrassment by vitriolic posters.

I have been told it is futile to talk with the haters. But I must. This is why I feel need to ask: is there any room for me on this website? how can you preach peace and tolerance if you cannot be respectful to me and millions like me in iran and 1Billion muslims in the world. why is there so much hate toward me? what did I do to desreve this hate?

please tell me.

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