Ah hell, another week gone, or maybe another two months, and bugger all has happened; that is massively different, or gives Iranians any hope for change.
It’s just the usual dreadfully boring UN sanctions for nuclear whateva, or some other fiasco the Seyyeds are cooking up.
The people of Iran, be they in Iran, or outside; be they Iranian or not, but want better Iran, are fed up, and feel totally helpless – as usual.
Nothing seems to want to change. This is the pariah state of affairs, the powers that be want Iran to be in. The worst situation for Iran is the way it is now. It has spend most of its 30 years being like this.
And there is nothing that can be done, to get out of this very stale stalemate it seems. No one can win, and no one can lose. It is a no man’s land. Every action we can take now seems wrong.
We have all argued to the teeth from all angles of the political, religious, military, business, trade, whateva; and nothing seems to be able to cut through this malaise. Nothing.
It is not pessimism, it is not optimism. It is just NOT. Or should I say a knot. A knot that one day will be unknotted so easily, that we wonder how it was that it had managed to tie that rope around our neck for so long. Why did it take no time to unknot it sooner?