
A.N. the iranian sex bomb

After calling one of his former ministers ‘Houlou’ (peach) here a proof that he has sexual relationship with a fellow like himself. If that’s not

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Iran’s Four Faati Palins

Three sorry excuses for women (make that human beings) were nominated by Fake President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for ministerial positions in his cabinet.  Two of them

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Could Obama Rescue Ahmadinejad?

Sometime before the end of this month, the Obama administration would have to tell the world whether it still regards “unconditional engagement” with the Islamic

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سالها از دلربایی پرس و جویی داشتیم زآفتاب صبح رویش آرزویی داشتیم تا که از نوش دهانش قطره ای طالان کنیم حلقه ای در گوش

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Rape in Mullahs’ Prisons

Since the inception of the Islamic regime in Iran in 1979, rapes of political prisoners have increasingly been committed, although rarely reported. Many courageous victims

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عشق یا هوس و یا سو استفاده

اولین عشق بهرام آن روز روز آخر سال بود که برای همیشه دبیرستان را ترک میکردم با بهرام در خیابانهای اسلامبول گردش میکردیم و برای

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The Imam Ali problem

After weeks of silence, Mir Hossein Mousavi, one of the leaders of the “green movement” has issued a statement. Aside from the customary usual lip

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Chavez pledges closer ties with Iran

Iran and Venezuela plan to stand up against “imperialist” foes by strengthening bilateral cooperation on a range of issues, including nuclear power, Iranian President Mahmoud

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The Death of the Republic

The momentous June presidential election in Iran and its bloody aftermath will probably be remembered as a turning point in the life of this strange

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The Ultimate Freedom

“After 29 years stuck together, the twins were willing to accept the risks of surgery for the chance of separate lives.” — CNN headline, July

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