Iran: Satire Becomes “News” – Ahmadinejad’s Ayatollah and Prisoner Rape

Yesterday EA staffer Chris Emery noted a story on Israel National News that Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, widely labelled as the key religious advisor to President Ahmadinejad, said last month that “coercion by means of rape, torture and drugs is acceptable against all opponents of the Islamic regime”.


The story is false. Chris Emery did some more digging and found that it had been posted at Balatarin (a portal like Digg and Newsvine for Internet articles) three weeks ago in the “Fun/Entertainment” section. The original story has now been pulled, because so many people mistook it for reality, but a quick read of the Balatarin version (even with the shaky English offered by Google Translate) makes clear that this was a bit of very black comedy gone very badly wrong.


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