Lies, more lies and Iran’s nuclear project

Recent events have shown beyond reasonable doubt that at the core of IRI philosophy, one comes face-to-face with systematic and orchestrated lies; it can beat any Hollywood script and scenario hands down. To combat such extreme ways of thinking i.e. the bigger the lie the more plausible it gets mentality, is Gobbelzian by design and is hard to beat.

Sir David Owen, former British negotiator in Bosnia once said “I have never been in any negotiation where there has been so many lies!” well Sir David, you aint seen nothing yet as the saying goes. The government of Vali-Faqih has proved they can be very sophisticated when it comes to spreading their narrative of deception. In the last few days under immense pressure from the world community they have suddenly become transparent again such that they now welcome Dr Al Baraei to visit the enrichment facilities at Arak and Natanz in short notice. Can we trust the stage managed shows by the mullahs? what is real and unreal are all part of their complex plot but can the world afford to listen to more lies?

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