By now even the easy to sway and most gullible in the bunch have got a glimpse of the true nature of IRR, the Islamist Rapist republic.
It is really hard to watch government sharpshooters randomly picking off peaceful demonstrators and still talk about a kind of, sort of, indigenous democracy. It is not that easy to view government goons in police uniform cracking heads, breaking bones and going on private property vandalism spree and still speak of steps are being taken on the road to a full bloom democracy. It defies decency to hear verified cases of IRR officials raping men, women and children and still act as business as usual. It is against all logic and any hint of common sense to continue to make a case for the IRR as a model for the entire region.
In short, all that nonsense about Islamist Democracy being practiced in the IRR is irrefutably demonstrated to be a hoax and any denying of the self evident truth is beyond the pale. True, the Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies will not fail to disappoint and continue on their support for the Islamist rapists, but the tide has turned.
Now the world, at least the sane part of it, is faced with the fundamental question of what is to be done with the IRR and not only how to coexist with it. The fundamental question the sane world has to answer is does it think it can trust a messianic Islamist regime that routinely torture, rape and murder its own citizens with the ability to blackmail or worst to inflict nuclear strike?
The Islamist President is quoted as saying:
”from our point of view, Iran’s nuclear issue is over….” And that they are ready to talk about ”identify challenges facing humanity … and resolve global concerns.”
The clock is ticking and the Islamists are equipped with long range missiles and almost enough material to demonstrate their nuclear status.Before it is too late and a devastating war is imposed on the enslaved Iranian nation by the Islamist, the sane world has to impose an airtight sanction and at the same time help the beleaguered Iranians with material and moral support to overthrow this world menace.