My soul is like
A mirror,
A Front and a back.
One occupies itself
With worldly appearance
And judgment;
The other, a hidden mystery,
But as clear as a dream,
Unmasking my subconscious.
My heart has two birds
Cohabiting its nest, a beast
And a prince.
One chases a flame, not
Knowing it is in pursuit of lust;
The other free-falls in fire,
Royal blood maturing through burning scars.
My mind has two houses:
One with tenants inside and one empty.
One, a prison, always tied
To these form objects;
The other, a majestic ridge,
Where angels sing and
Their singings echo between
The walls.
My body, this being, is like
A husband with three wives:
A soul, a heart and a mind;
In orgy of our intimacy, I am the hero
When each wife shows off her unique
Discipline or natural fire;
A balanced-act that only
A true lover can manage and supervise.