Politics is ever afloat
Symbol will be bomb or boat
Finally they are a turn coat
This species we cannot dote
Like an actor they emote
Party in a jiffy they float
They milk people like goat
They lie, make false hote
Fake friends to known and ignote
Prior elections, will eat jocote
Their speeches will be keynote
In rallies, they stand as a lote
Opposition they tear to mote
They want power, pelf and note
They only eat honey and oat
Vested interests, they promote
Like devil, scriptures they quote
They control all by remote
Before elections, they are sote
After elections, they slit throat
They will quote and unquote
At any cost, they want VOTE
Fair weather friends, they wrote
They only take, never exogenote
In their talk, they try to yote
They are truly a zopilote