Open Letter to Ali Reza Maybodi

[Cross-Posted to USENET]


Dear Mr Maybodi,

I am writing in reference to one of your recent
segments in order to express my disgust at your declining journalistic
standards and contempt regarding your shameless public cheerleading on
behalf of the Haifan Baha’i organization. It appears that you have sold
out any integrity you once possessed upon the altar of the highest
bidder: a situation that, alas, plagues many of your other colleagues
in Tehrangeles as well, nay the entire Iranian emigre media
establishment of North America as a whole – an establishment
increasingly fixated on the most shallow and banal surface appearances
which mirror the worst aspects of North American popular culture. It is
people like yourself who again and again have given the lie away to the
mullahs throughout these past 30 years thereby discrediting an
opposition movement who could have potentially dispatched the infernal
regime of the Khomeinist Islamic republic long ago. And the reason for
this is because of a basic lack of integrity coupled with myopic greed
and the cynical politicking that has become the veritable sickness of
an entire generation of Iranians like yourself who are daily
compromising any and all values whilst slowly being culturally
lobotomized by the cancer eating away at all genuine Iranianity:
that disease which is the soulless, Western and modernist reign of
quantity over quality with its complete lack of all standards and total
disregard of truth over the sound bite. [ Read rest of letter here]

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