Who is “YOUR” President then?

As Iranians in New York are preparing to “welcome” Ahmadinejad next week, we keep hearing a meaningless slogan: You are not my President. The most natural question that one may ask after hearing this slogan is: Who is your president then? Is he Mousavi? Karroubi? or perhaps you want to see Rezaie as your President? Why are those who are getting ready to protest Ahmadinejad’s visit to New York so dishonest with themselves and consequently with the rest of the world? Why do you speak in codes? Are you seriously suggesting that after all the riots, killings and atrocities that took place in the aftermath of the rigged elections, it is still and only the rigged elections that you are objecting to? Were you happy, if the outcome of the election would have been in favor of one of the other three candidates. If Mousavi had won with a landslide and was on his way to New York next week, were you welcoming him with open arms? I am not talking about the Mousavi who only “in words” says he has reformed but not “in deeds”? I am talking about the Mousavi who, as the Prime Minister under Khamenei, presided over one of the most horrific acts of genocide by the Islamic regime of Iran. I am talking about the same Mousavi who was called Imam Khomeini’s trusted prime minister? I am talking about the same Mousavi who is still loyal to the constitution of the Islamic Republic, with all its ramifications and implications.


Time and again we are told that this movement is no longer about Mousavi or the rigged elections. We are told that it is about the legitimacy of the Islamic regime in its entirety. Excellent! This is how it should have been right from the start. But then why do they keep reverting to the same empty slogan of “You are not my President!!” Is the presidential seat the only thing that Ahamdinejad has illegally occupied? As a matter of fact pundits had predicted an Ahmadinejad win over his rivals but not with such a huge margin that it turned out to be. Ahmadinejad and the Islamic regime of Tehran have robbed us much more than a Presidential seat by a factor of one million. The slogan that must greet him to New York would better be: “You” Leave My Country.

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