
Zoroastrianism is believed to have made strong impacts on the eschatological beliefs of other religions, mainly the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism). However, both primal and later Zoroastrianism borrowed ideas from other belief systems, and each hold some degree of syncretism. The most important texts in the religion is the Avesta, which is written in Avestan, a language formerly spoken throughout the population in the Achaemenid Dynasty.

According to Zoroaster, there is only one Creator and supreme force that rules over all the creations, Ahura Mazda. Under Ahura Mazda, there are lesser divinities such as the Yazatas, and the Amesha Spentas which are all created by Ahura Mazda. As well, there are two governing forces which control the good and bad events that happen in this world. These two concepts are asha and druj. On an inscription in Iran, Darius the Great mentions druj as the force that is attempting to disrupt his kingdom, and dethrone him, which he believed was appointed by Ahura Mazda.

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