D-Day for the Greens

The two most important features of the demonstrations, listed below, should not be taken lightly:

First, the fact that there were protests everywhere in Iran demonstrated that the Green Movement is indeed broad and encompassing. The movement has grown in such a way that it has been able to attract a broad spectrum of dissidents, from the most conservative to the most radical. That has become possible partly because of the goals of the Movement, as set forth by Mir Hossein Mousavi in his 11th statement issued two weeks ago: the goals of the Movement must be balanced — not overly radical to deter the more conservative elements, and not too watered-down to disappoint the more liberal elements. In addition, the goals must be such that they can create the broadest and most inclusive consensus.

Second, despite the fact that thousands of people were arrested after the election, hundreds tortured (some to death), raped and sodomized; the most important reformist strategists and leaders rounded up and locked up; Stalinist show trials staged, and “confessions” extracted under immense physical and psychological pressure, people were not afraid to once again come out to the streets, demonstrate and demand their rights.


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