Iranian pianist Golriz Hashemi’s concert: 16th Oct at St James’s Church

Golriz Hashemi is a professional pianist , living and working in Iran.

This October she is performing in London for the 3rd time since 2003.



MazurkasOp.17 No.4, Op.30, No.3, Op.67 No.4, Op.68 No.2
Polonaise   Op.26 No.1  Op.6 No.2 Op.40 No.2  

Cesar Franck 

Prelude, Fugue et Variation Op. 18

Aminollah Hossein

Mosaique Op.19 No.1 Op.19 No.3Op.18 No.3
Legande Persane
Three Etudes
Prelude No.1   (Hommage a Omar Kayam)

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