Profile of typical Reza Pahlavi Haters

Before you respond with a bunch of fohsh & fazihat, I declare publicly that I don’t like Reza Pahlavi mainly because I hold his coward father responsible for allowing the Islamic Revolution to happen in 1979. Other than that, he is a typical Iranian guy who had it nice and easy until he was a teenager. But not a spoiled brat type either.

I am amazed that when it comes to freedom, we all want democracy, but we want to define the democracy in our own terms.  A true democracy means that if there are free elections in a secular Iran,  Reza P can declare himself as a candidate and let the voters either elect him or humiliate him by giving him lets say 0.04% of votes.

When ever there is anything about Reza P on this site, haters unite like a flock of seagulls to attribute anything and everything bad there is to the guy.

What I have noticed about Reza P ardent haters (as I meet them and learn about them) is that they are mostly “oghdei”; people who had it tough in Iran during Shah’s time.  Not the people from the lower economic levels, but people in the lower middle class or barely middle class who didn’t fit anywhere; they didn’t want to be associated with the poor, and the rich would not give them the time of day. People who blamed everything on someone or something else.  Nothing was or is ever their fault.

These are people who leave several responses on any blog that has anything to do with RP.  You feel the hatred in every word they write.  

It will be very difficult for a democracy to work and flourish under these type of people. 

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