Is now the time to trust Iran?

One week, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is wagging his finger at the world from the podium at the UN, stating that Iran will never relinquish the right to pursue a nuclear program. The next week, as if all the previous Iranian proclamations on the subject for many years had been mere posturing by the Iranian team in Geneva, he suddenly says Iran is willing to send the majority of its known enriched uranium stockpile to Russia for future reprocessing.

Which Iran is the world supposed to believe?

The Iran that could for the first time be taking a step back from the precipice, or the Iran that has consistently been intransigent on the question of adherence to nuclear safeguards and lied to the IAEA? Can anyone really believe that after decades in pursuit of a nuclear weapon and now being within a hair’s breadth of achieving that objective, the Iranians are now willing to give it all up to break bread with the US?


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