The disaster life of a Persian girl Marziyeh

The life of Marziye, a Persian girl in the USA.  Mrs. Afrashteh was an old lady who could paint very well and had a good academic background. She was over eighty years old, but she could drive very well and she participated in a lot of science and sociology and religious gatherings.  I often see her with her car with a back full of food that she took with herself and take parts in different parties.

The painting and carpets that she produced were very nice. Mazyar my friend was a close friend of this lady. He was a physician and he had a lot of interest about Mrs. Afrashteh.  Mazyar said very sadly to me that his mother died as she was around only sixty, she had Asthma and her fast death effect Mazyar a lot; so he was looking to find a person who looks like his mother. And Mrs.

 Afrashteh was similar to his mother. I was thirty five year old as I lost my mother; and if my mother did not die, she could be in the same age as Mrs. Afrashteh.  The only different is that my mother had dark skin, but Mrs. Afrashteh is very white, like a white flower.  I would like to have more closely to Mrs. Afrashteh, but she does not let me to be her close friend. May be because I was not Bahai like she was and she does not trusted me so much. My father and mother were both Moslems, but we have a lot of Bahai family. My uncle the brother of my mother changed to Bahai, and he was a famous one and works for the organization a lot.

  I loved him very much and he was a very handsome man and very nice and friendly.  The uncle of Mazyar had a master degree from the university in the Persian literature and he was teacher in the famous high schools in Tehran and also he thought as instructor at the University of Tehran. Ali Akbar was his name, he was a very dedicated person and very nice and friendly; the people said that he has no enemies. The Moslem said he is a very good man, but sorrowfully he is Bahai, and the Bahais said he is so good, because he is a Bahai. He was very generous and he spent the whole money he earned very easily.   Ali Akbar never said a bad word to anybody, and he gets never angry or nervous.  Nobody could be upset or angry by his action as he forgive and stay cool always.

The father of Mazyar was very restricted Moslem and also his mother was a modern Moslem and they did not like their son knows something about Bahai.  But as they love Ali Akbar a lot; they let this uncle have contact with Mazyar.   My father told me if Ali Agha change to Islam, I will give half of what ever I have to him, as he is a very nice person.  Mazyar’ father did not let his son even play with other Bahai children, but only for Ali Agha he did an exception, but he asked him not to speak about the Bahai religion with Mazyar.

   Ali Agha who respect everybody, also the husband of his sister, had accepted not to speak about the Bahai religion with Mazyar. Mazyar by the guidance of his nice uncle study medicine and was a doctor and worked in a general government hospital in Tehran. After so called revolution in Iran, Mazyar had two choices, the first to write a short article in the newspapers against the Bahai religion and say bad words about it, or be out of the work.  How could he write an article in the newspaper against the religion of his beloved uncle, who was a good friend for him?  He had also a lot of Bahai friend in the time that he studied in Istanbul Turkey.  Now he should write against the religion of his uncle bad words in the newspapers and do what ever they will dictate to him.

 He chooses to be dismissed from all his good position and so he could not be hired in any work or hospital in Tehran, which had connection with government of so called Islamic republic of Iran.   Mazyar like many other people got his gift from the glorious Islamic revolution of Iran and was sent out of work. Mazyar had studied in Istanbul Turkey, but this time he went to Pakistan, like millions of Iranian who went to Pakistan who were with any funny excuses persecuted and sent out of the work, so he tries there to get the visa and go to the American the land of opportunities, or false opportunities.  The land full of false business people who tries to make money from anything. One day for getting cheaper mortgage, one day for refinancing, one day for ground money, one day for modification and one day for life insurance and different insurance, such as funeral insurance, death insurance and so on…the land of false dream and exaggerations.  A land that look to new coming people just as physical workers.

  He can get visa as in Iran he was persecuted for the religion of part of his family and enter the USA. But he cannot work as a medical doctor; he should pass a lot of exams to get the permission to be a medical doctor here. These exams are not easy for his age and for his English language.   He got a work just like under a nurse and he could give injections to the patients. So he could pay his costs. Sorrowfully his wife and his children left him, too as they saw he cannot make a lot of money like in Iran he did. He had the same salary or wages as his wife or his children. So he was alone and he was trying to get some friends to fill the empty place of his family. 

 Mazyar did not know a lot about the Bahai religion, now he had time to listen and research about this religion.  But sorrowfully the Bahai are not like Christian or other religions, they do not let non Bahais in their all gatherings.  Only the non Bahais can attend some of their gathering. In Iran it is understandable, because the non Bahais are trying to destroy this religion and know the members of that faith. But in USA or in Europe, it is not necessary to push the none Bahai from their gatherings.  But they do the same thing. In Iran the fundamentalist Moslem are trying to damage the faith, but in America such a treat does not exist at all. Here is the land of religious freedom and the doors of any church any synagogue any temples are open to everybody. 

Doing this restriction is not necessary any more. And the people see it here as a negative sign.  Many of my American friends told me, that is funny that the Bahais do not let other people freely take part in their all gatherings.  And the second claim is why the women are not allowed to be chosen for the universal house of Just.  The Bahais are discriminating the women, they think.  The Bahai faith did not give a good logical answer to these questions and like Moslems ignored these questions.   Mahziyar was not Bahai and none of his parent were Bahai either, but because his uncles were Bahai; so he was persecuted in Iran.  Because he was not willing to write articles in the Iranian newspapers against the other religions, so they were angry with him, as he did not obeyed them totally and send him out of the work and activities. But as he was persecuted for the Bahai religion, and he lost his wealth, his wife divorced him in the USA and took all the rest of his wealth and let him alone. 

And she did not let even their children see their father.  That is another fruit of the glorious Islamic revolution that destroyed the families.  And the poor Iranian should go every where as some people want the total power and money in Iran and are not willing to share Iran with other Iranian people.  They destroyed the Iranians who were not fundamentalist Moslem and they spread in the whole world.  And Mahziyar was one of million victims of the so called Iranian glorious revolution.  A Persian doctor with specialty in medical field should work like a simple worker who is allowed to give injection to the patient and clean them?  That is the side of it, which is against Imperialist and Communist and in this way they punish their own people?  Mahziyar like to know about American culture and other cultures in USA and as it is the freedom of speech is practice here, so he was studying and visiting different churches synagogues and temples and also Bahai centers in the USA.  

  So he could only go to the sort of gathering for none Bahais, as they do not allow him to take part in all Bahais gatherings.   Mrs. Afrashteh had two children, one boy who was the same age of Mahziyar and he did not see him and a girl whom Mahziyar see her few times. Her son was living in another state of USA. The girl was a nice girl who was working as a sort of Persian teacher. She created a method to teach the none Persian the Iranian languages.  The husband of Mrs. Afrashteh has Alzheimer and was living for years in the special house for these type of people, so it effect the Marziyeh their daughter a lot. After a while Mrs. Afrashteh told Mahziyar that her husband had died in that house for elderly people.  

The death of father has another bad effect on the daughter and she was very upset about this.  Mrs. Afrashteh was a rich woman and may be the husband of the daughter has married her, because of money. I can guess that he was sort of lazy man, who will be at home and doing nothing and play with games and see porno movie. They are dependent on the money that the woman brings home.  This type of lazy play boy had a good trap for the girls, especially for the girls with foreign origins.  The poor Marziyeh has fallen in his trap.  The man was trying to pump out what ever he could from the girl and sucked all her money. But Mrs. A was not also so stupid to give everything to the daughter and she transfers all her wealth to the man. She knows that he is a cheap man and lazy person and will just to take advantage of her daughter and will suck all her wealth. So she stops to give unlimited cash to her daughter.

 So the man was forcing and teasing her, to get more cash from Mrs. A.    This African American fat and lazy play boy had sucked all money of the poor girl and saved them in his account.  And by robbing her, he had a good extra saving. Now she should work hard outside the house and he stayed at home and plays games and enjoys not working and be useless personality.  He did not even clean the house or cooked the food, like a house husband.  He only grilled meat and eat wine and beer and these was his all activities at home. But he dominates the poor girl, and the girl had no courage to divorce him and get free from such parasite.  I mean he could be even a white American also. As I saw some white people have also the same attitude. 

Bad and good are in any races, any religions and any nationalities.  He had a camera and a DVD also a Video and the whole day, he plays with this and the poor girl should work outside of the house and in the time she came home she should cook and clean the house also.  The whole days he stayed at his room and did this type of work and did not help the poor girl.  And Marziyeh should pay his all costs.  Marziyeh should work in two places to pay the cost of the stupid man. And he used her money for eating and has fun with other cheap girls, in the time that Marziyeh work like a machine.   Mrs. A was not happy for this condition and as she sees her daughter is misused by the bad man, she was very upset, but what can she do?  The man dominated the poor girl.  He plans every day how he can take more money from them and tease the poor girl, so that she gets more money to satisfy him. The lazy man does not do anything at house; even he did not cut the grass.  He was just a sex object and he thought if he does not work, he has a better situation and he is the master and the girl is slave.  I saw one day Marziyeh and she had some cassettes and book in her hand, she said she found a good method to teach better Persian language to the speaker of other languages.  She worked very hard for her project. 

The bad man mange to guide the poor girl to make more money and work more. So he can have more money for his fun. He thought if he does not work and make only fun, he is cleaver and not slaves.  And the simple girl was not realizing that she is feeding a serpent.  She does not know that he has a plan to destroy her and to kill her.  I do not know why Marziyeh obeyed him so much and what a negative point he had from her that he could use her almost like a slave. And she did what ever the man asked.  Mrs. A told me, in the time that my daughter comes in my housel; her almost crying to get more money from me. I said to her; you work in two places and that money should be enough for the whole family. And she told her mother, my husband uses a lot of money, he is very luxury man.  What ever I gave my daughter; she gave all of them to him and did not even take one dollar for herself.  The man, who had a nice victim, forced her to buy a very expensive life insurance.  So after her death, a huge amount of money can transfer to his account, because he represents himself as a house husband, but he did not work the house work either.  The poor girl should pay a lot of extra money for this expensive life insurance.

The man has a plan some how she should be die, so he can get the whole amount.  May be he used drug for her or he forced her to use the drug. So she was totally in his control.  I think he perused her and brain washed or influenced her to kill herself by thronging herself under the train.  So he guided her to kill herself, how I do not know; I just guess, as even Mrs. A was so upset that I could not ask her, why she did this. She was shying to say that her daughter was drug user and the man forced mentally her to kill herself. Mrs. A tried to continue her life, but the accident or incident was very powerful. A husband planed and she killed herself. Mrs. A told Mahziyar that the husband got a huge sum money from the insurance company  and every day has a feast in Marziyeh, house and with nice sex party celebrate her death, the death of an innocent Persian girl, who has been misused by a lazy and cruel, money greedy and money minded American. May be he misused also the culture of the girl, as the Iranian girl generally try to be with the husband and satisfy him as far as they can. The majority of Iranian girls are nice and good wives.   

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