Bahman Farmanara latest film entitled “I Hate Kiarostami” is set to be shot abroad

Iranian director Bahman Farmanara plans to pursue his career abroad. However, it is not clear that the outcomes will receive Iranian cultural officials’ approval. “I Hate Abbas Kiarostami” is planned as his first project, which he intends to make in one of the countries of Italy, Czech or Bulgaria. “We are currently negotiating with production studios in Italy, Czech, and Bulgaria,” Farmanara said on Saturday during his workshop at the Karnameh Art and Culture Institute in Tehran.

The film is about a critic who hates the world-renowned Iranian filmmaker Kiarostami, with the title chosen from dialogue in its screenplay.

“The film will be shot entirely within a studio in 12 days, so we need a very large set,” Farmanara said.

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