No, we want our own Iranian/Persian culture. I think every sane Iranian/Persian here agrees with me.
Alot of people seem to be not realizing that western/American culture isn’t wanted in Iran just like how Islamic/Arab culture is not wanted by most Iranians. We’re not here to replace one backward negative culture in Iranian society with another one that’s just as useless and disturbing…. if you ask me, I find the materialistic fake American culture worse than Islamic culture.
these Americans/westerners want us to think and believe that modernization equals westernization while in reality it’s far from the truth, since most modern things we use in this world are in fact from other parts of the world (A huge percentage being from Iran/Persia or created by the Persian people), so basically, westernization equals a culture and modernization is how technologically advanced a nation is and has nothing to do with Americanization or westernization or any culture in general. Further more, I believe Technolgy should be shared by all humanity, there’s nothing wrong with that, but culture and mentality of a society is different and has absolutely nothing to do with how modern they are.
We need to make sure that the future government of Iran is a nationalistc one that protects not only the economical interests of Iran but the cultural intrests also. The pahlavi dynasty was a pretty good example of how they modernized the nation and at the same time kept the Iranian/Persian culture, values, and customs alive amongst Iranians and Iranian society in general.