Analysis: Confronting Goldstone – a marathon, not a sprint

Regardless of how the vote turns out Friday in the UN Human Rights Council – whether the Goldstone Commission Report is sent to the UN Security Council, the General Assembly, or both, and what the council’s final resolution says – one thing is certain: Goldstone is going to be with us for a long time, and the report will have significant ramifications on a wide range of issues.

This issue is a marathon, not a sprint, and Israeli policy-makers will have to adjust and recalibrate depending upon developments over which they have little control.

For instance, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu hoped – and actively lobbied – to ensure the report stayed in Geneva. Those efforts appear to have failed, and now he and the country will have to restrategize to deal with a report that will be discussed in New York, and which will pick up more credibility by simply making it to New York.


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