Here and there in my favourite local weekly paper, I used to see a growing body of anti-aging advertisements. But yesterday when I was paging it in the bus, this one really struck me: “Hair removal and Anti-aging”. I didn’t know that the extent of negativity of old age has reached to the point that it is considered as worthless as pubic hair…and then there was a follow-up for the ad: Buy one (god knows what anti-aging substance) – get the second one for free! As if they just filled the tanker with the newly-found fountain of youth!
What is wrong with being older? Why everyone is so afraid of it? Why there’s so much ageism in the society and yet that is responded so nonchalantly? Is it because old age is associated with death? Well, I doubt if Botox make the angel of death to change his mind. He works based on a pre-arranged list and the calendar age, no matter how young the target looks. Anyway, since it’s been a long time that I intended to retire myself from being middle-aged and to get disengaged from all the ridiculous responsibilities attached to it, I decided to swim against the stream and ask for what people are generally afraid of; I wanted to be old. I picked the phone and called the number on the ad. I politely asked the confused lady if their company could implant on my face, all the wrinkles that they take away from the face of their customers. She didn’t answer me and shortly after hanged up; probably assuming that I’m teasing her. So I called them again: “can you at least tell me how I can dye my hair to white?”