Writing young love: an invitation to write

Dear Friends:

I would like to invite you all to participate in another group writing project. So far we have had great success in encouraging many Iranian.com members to participate in our other calls, Iran: a reflection, Iran: a hope, and Writing Love.

With inspiration from Ali P., Sima and others, I would like to invite you all to come join us again and submit a blog for the series. There are very few rules to this project. Please submit a blog which is no longer than 750 words. The blog title should start with “Writing young love:” followed by your blog title, and inside the blog you should write at the top “For the Writing Young Love Series,” linking this blog.

You may write about a personal memory of yours, another person’s story, or an entirely imaginary story. You may write in English or in Farsi, in poetry or in prose. If you write in Farsi, the blog title should be: “عشق جوانی”.  As always, artist members are encouraged to submit any art they wish included in the series.

I look forward to seeing your pieces and I will be along with mine soon!


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