My daughter who attends one of the top private schools in NY brought her history book home the other day. The class is studying Egypt at the moment. I took a look at the other chapters and saw that after Egypt there is, Greece, and Rome, China and India and even a section on the history of the Jewish people. But no Persia, none except in reference to the place conquered by Alexander. I called the fifth grade teacher and she explained that they will only be convering the Western ancient civilizations because they simply don’t have the time to cover China and India, and Persia falls into the East as well. However, the children will have an opportunity to do an independent project on one of the civilizations the class will not cover.
That is a good enough explanation from the teacher who was obviously knowledgeable about the Persian Empire; however, I took a look at some other text books on Amazon, and again there is minimal mention of the Persians and Persian Empire. Am I assuming the Persian empire was significant because we were raised to think so being Iranian, or is history being rewritten?