Khayaam and his writing agains the false people who cheat others

Khayaam and his writing which illuminate the people against the false people, the people who show believe in religion, but they just misused the love and trust of people.  Generally the people have fear from death and they do not know why they are born and why they should die. Some religious people misuse this fear and show the simple people that they have answer for their questions. 

 They give a philosophical answer and for this answer they want the people obedience and money, both.  So they say, because they do know the answer and they are close to God, they want the people total obedience and their wealth or part of their wealth. They say to the people there is a paradise and there are a lot of nice hurries and ghelmen and good palace and nice food in Paradise, if they listen to them and do what ever they say and want, they will go after they are dead in the Paradise.

  The simple people get happy with this answer and give them part of their money to get a good place in the paradise.  But the cleaver people they want the address of this paradise and they want proof of what they are saying, as because they do not have any address and they cannot prove the paradise, they are angry with those cleaver people and if they can; they will kill them.  Many years ago Khayaam know that these clergy bad people are cheating the simple people and misuse their love and respect for the God and religion, to make a lot of easy money. So he wrote against them and against their paradoxes. 

 The rich people could have easily many wives at that time, so the wives should stay with them and eunuch , the men whose testis were cut off, and they were no men any more guarded their wives.   So they wanted the women should be clean and virgin to become their wives, so they spread out that the sex is bad and the people should not do it. But they did the sex a lot. With other words they cheated the people not to use the things that they liked to use a lot.  Khayaam knows this and he understand the point also. They verboten the things and material for the majority of people , so they do not use them, and they can use them more and more as they wish.  So he says, the people say that paradise is nice with hurries, but I say the wine is better.  

So take this cash and do not wait for that credit in the future.   Sorrowfully the religion is misused by so called cleaver people to use it as a device for their own benefits.  If religion brings love, unity, help other people, nice and truth speaking, nice and real action, and nice thinking, together with cooperation, and helping is OK. But the bad people misuse the religion for hate, their dirty business and disunity, politics and cheating. They took their people lives, wealth, wives and even spirits.  So the so called cleaver people rob other people easily with the name of God, Jesus and religion.  In the past the clergies started to sell the land in the paradise to the rich simple people or even middle class simple minded people and they did a lot of money.

They made a very good business by selling the land and palaces in paradise to the people. A man went to them and asked he will buy the hell with good money. The clergies told him are you crazy with such good money that you offer us to sell the hell; we can sell you a palace in the paradise to you. He said no I would like to buy the whole hell and not the part of paradise, the clergies told him again, look in paradise there are hurries and honey and milk instead of water, why you want to buy hell which is full of snakes, is hot and uncomfortable. He said, no I would like to buy the whole hell. So they sold the whole hell to him and got a good sum of money from him and they gave all documents for the hell to him, he was the owner of hell from that day. 

The clergies thought what a stupid man he was; he bought with a lot of money the hell from them. They laughed at his stupid ness.  They thought he was so stupid and bought the hell from us that nobody would like to buy.  Next day the buyer of hell wrote a letter that he bought the hell with documents and he will close the gate of the hell and will not let anybody in his hell. So everybody should go to the paradise.  So you do not need to buy the paradise land any more, so the hell is mine and I do not let any body in it. The God had to send all of you to the paradise. So the stupid clergies lost their good business in this way.

 The people were not willing to buy the paradise land any more.  You may be experience also that the people who acts very religious, very easily some of them take the wealth of other people, and they send them also to jail. The people who get a good position by using the religion and after that they tease the poor people and take their money wives and daughters for their sexual activities.  They promise the hurries in paradise to the people and they take the beautiful girls here on the earth.  They trained the people not to have fun, good food and good clothes and they should be humbled and give their wealth away, but they use all the fun and nice things for themselves. 

 They cheat the young people and train them to be murders for their cheating activities. They say to them, if you kill my enemies, you will go to the paradise. So they brain washed them for their own benefits and misuse them to kill and destroy the people who know they are false people.  The simple people who cannot read Quran and understand it and they do not have any knowledge in the religion, fell in their traps and they have to believe what ever they say to them. They do bad thinks and show that is belong to religious activities. May be in their mind or heart they do not believe in God and religions at all, only the act so and they show so.  In the middle age in Europe, the people could not read Bible, because it was written in Latin, Greek or Hebrew.  

There was no ordinary people translation of Bible. So the clergies told people what ever they wanted and that supports their own benefits and told the people it is written in the Bible. Go and read it. And they know the people cannot read it.  Martin Luther translated the Bible in the people language, the language that people spoke and understand. So the German could read now the Bible in their mother language and the clergies could not misuse it any more as the people could read it and could compare it with what ever the clergies are saying. The clergies used the uninformed people and took their wealth and their beloved for using them by themselves.  And they told the people God had written in the Bible so and go and read it. But now they could not say that, as the people could go and read.  And now the people do understand Bible by themselves and the clergies could not misuse them as before.  Sorrowfully the people who are very greedy and they want everything should be theirs and they want other people like slaves and poor, use the religion as a devise for their own benefits. As many people in the world are living below the poverty and they have nothing. But other people have billions of billions dollars in their account and they want more and more.  Some people are very rich, because they have special brain or they work very hard and very good, but the majority or rich people are rich, because they rob the society.  As one Moslem has no bread to eat and he and his family suffered hunger, the Sheikh sit in his golden palace and drive his silver car and spend billions of dollars.  And they took also the only bread from the poor and add to their billions of dollars. 

 They may read also pray and they may be also fast, but they rob and they misuse the people lives and females.  Who ever does not want them will be killed. The Sheikh in the Persian Gulf, step on the gold and precious stones, Samaritan, robin, but their people live in poverty.  They live in the palaces like the thousand and one nights, and speak with the most beautiful women gathered from all over the world and have love and fun with them and live in the most expensive position and eat caviar and have thousand servants, but the other Moslems in Ghaze should be hunger and die, because of the lack of food or water, medicine.  Why the life should be so easy for some people and so hard and difficult for other people.  I saw a picture that the bath room of a Sheikh in Persian Gulf was made of pure gold and ivory and the child of Palestine was hunger and wounded.  Is that the brotherhood of Islam?  Is it fair that some body have billions of dollars in the bank cash and the other one has not even one dollar to buy the food?    The people who rob and are very rich have good attorneys and they do not pay a real tax and every day their richness goes up and up, but the middle class people have to pay more tax and they should even pay tax even if they lost their wealth.  The inflation and defilation is so calculated that robs the middle class people and makes them poor. Appreciation and not appreciation both are paid by middle class people. They take the whole saving of middle class and change them to poor.  The police and courts are in the hands of rich people and they are indifferent with middle class people. Nobody will help them, only if they have good friends in the system.   The indifferent ness is destroying the whole middle class and the robber and thieves are free to rob the people. The system is so designed that the milled class have to go up or be poor and rich people get richer and richer every day. The general people are indifferent and as long as they are not faced the problem , they are quiet ,but in the time that they faced the trouble; so it is too late for any action.

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