wake up! trust is for suckers!

trust is for suckers

by truthseeker on Fri Oct 23, 2009 09:41 AM PDT

obama is an actor. a hollywood prison bitch, sponsored by aipac nazi wannabe war criminals, whom themsleves by order of their endtime masters are setting him up just like jfk! with amerikkka being the devil in motion and creation, and the first rule with dealing with the devil – is you don’t. iran muslims of the world wake the hell up! stand up and be counted! live up to the word and goodness of your prophet! (pbuh) seek the truth and seek total justice for all peoples of the world. start with your brothers in iraq and so on. help them not take revenge against the wicked nation rapists west!

don’t let al-qaida win and take over lslam as just like nazism was set up and secretly backed by amerikkka and britain to destroyed the german people and steal their super science (rockets, magnetophon computer hard drive, cs guns, jet fighters and flying saucers and the bel) and set up israel in business. the arab world is being set up the same. as there is no al-qaida it’s a false flag terrorists group like the i.r.a set up by your enemies to destroy you as a collective people! please wake up iran as your running out of time. with the doomsday clock set to t-minus five mins. wake up! and be ready!


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