Interesting and funny: Pro Israeli Google Ad against Goldstone report

I just noticed a goggle ad that runs on my site sometimes when I look through my forum threads. Its a google ad, either made by the Israeli government or made by private institutions, that shows a young hip man standing in a cool position with the text next to it saying: “Goldstone Report Facts”, and below it: “Israeli Army Fights Terrorism” where the ad ends in a link that goes to a site filled with lovely youtube films of nethanyahoo degrading the UN rights report.

First of all the ad it-self is just ridiculous, what the hell has the guy, standing in such a pose, anything to do with the Goldstone report or the Israeli army? It makes me smile everytime I see it, but it also shows the deep crisis evolving in Tel Aviv now adays over this report. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tel Aviv is funding such ad campaigns, or even paying people to go on the internet and degrade it.

For the first time, you have a Jewish man with an uber jewish name (Goldstone) leading a damning UN report on how Israel treats the Palestinians, but also how the Palestinians attacked the Israelis. He is well spoken and counters arguments against his report with logic and sense. In my opinion, its a decent and fair report that should be taken seriously and pull both Hamas and IDF members who are responsible for war crimes, to justice. This would help teach the war mongering parts on both sides not to be so trigger happy in the future.

Btw, the guy has rings on his left hand, two of them actually. He’s so cool and hip!! Goldstone is so totally out!


A member made a new version of the ad, follow the link and scroll down to see it haha



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