The saying goes one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Does such duality hold true when it comes to patriotism?
The premise of the question: the IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic in all its different manifestations, “pragmatic” a la Rafsanjani, “reformist” a la Khatami and unashamed in your face Islamist thuggish, a la Ahmadinejad have all been unquestionably extremely bad for Iran and Iranians, heading for even worse.
The main question: IRR’s two decades of mostly clandestine dual purpose full cycle illegal nuclear program is the subject of sane world’s attention and should all peaceful attempts to rein it in fail could possibly bring untold devastation on Iran, Iranians and the entire region.
Those openly wish and act upon attempts at gaining the dual use nuke capabilities which includes the bomb while IRR is in power bill themselves as true patriots and reject the comparison with Philippe Petain’s Vichy collaboratin with the Nazis, are they right?