Wrath of IRR

After a lull in the assassinations of the overseas opposition figures and other covert terrorist operations by the IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, Persian service of radio Deutsche Welle has an alarming report on the subject.

According to the German radio report, for the very first time a high ranking commander of the Revolutionary Guard Corps openly threatens foreign mass media outlets and the Iranian opposition. In an interview with IRNA, the official news organ of the IRR, the Deputy Head of IRR’s Armed Forces Headquarters, Brigadier General Seyyed Massoud Jazayeri says:

“The forbearance of the Islamic Republic does not mean it can allow elements of overthrow and extensions of the soft coup d’état to conspire and should it be forced to, it is capable of facing the overseas followers of the coup d’état with serious challenges.”

The Deputy Head of IRR’s Armed Forces Headquarters further in part says:

“A considerable number of the conspiracy’s foot soldiers have been identified and at the appropriate time will be dealt with.”

In a separate report the same radio publishes interviews with directors of Persian radio services of England, France, Germany and Radio farda in Prague who all were threatened by the same Revolutionary Guard commander.

All the IRR’s uniquely Islamist savagery including raping men, women and children demonstrators, breaking bones and all other brutalities are losing their effect on people. As the situation gets gloomier for the Islamist Rapists inside Iran, and it will get progressively gloomier, IRR will become even more desperate and will lash out outside Iran’s borders.   

Before the nuke acquiring IRR imposes a devastating war on Iran and the region, the sane world has to step in. To speedup their demise, airtight sanctions in tandem with unremitting moral and material support to the enslaved Iranians to overthrow this Islamist menace is a must, time is of the essence.  



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