A principalist comes up with a workable solution to the current crisis


Principlist lawmaker Ali Motahari said until Mir Hossein Mousavi and
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad apologize to the nation, calm will not be restored
to society.  He said both sides made mistakes, though Mousavi was “more at fault.”


 –The people truely believe that Mousavi (and indirectly the people themselves) was “more at fault” so they’ll find the proposal quite sensible

–A “calmed” people can watch the Ahmadinejad enjoy his stolen office in peace. 

–The people hardly care if the dead remain dead, the torturered remain tortured, if the raped remain raped, if the beaten remain beaten, if broken bones remain broken, if the press remains closed, etc.   It’s all trivia after all. 

–The people love men Mojtaba, Taeb, Jannati, Ahmad Khatami, Mesbah Yadzi, Jafari, etc., and enjoy seeing such creatures remain free as a bird or even promoted for what they did. (All for the people’s “good” Khamenei has assured them).

–The people don’t want an apology from El Supreme Bozo as the man behind outrage.  Nevetheless a few soreheads would nevr consider a mere apology sufficient given the dimension of Khamenei-approved crimes.

–The people never wanted major reforms.  President Khatemi and Mousavi tried to force it on them.  Twice the Supreme Leader came to the rescue, manipulating everything behind the scenes. 

  –The people love the IRCG and Basilj and insist that both retain all repressive powers as well as their total monopoly over the economy.

–Mousavi is one of the three top opposition “leaders”–all fully capable of imposing any such decision on the people because that’s what leaders can easily do.   Followers never have a will of their own no matter what has been inflicted on them.

–Iran’s people aren’t stupid so they will surely know a good deal when they see one.

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